Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Childhood Obsession with Todd McFarlane and his obsession with Lost

This is too weird. To say that i was a fan of Todd McFarlane (since fifth grade), is an understatement.

Since he started with the Amazing Spider Man and the Incredible Hulk, i've been hooked. In fact, it could be argued that Todd got me obsessed with drawing. He was definitely a big influence.

So anyway, here we are like 18 years later and i'm obsessed with Lost... What do i come to find out today? Todd McFarlane is making Lost figures!!!

Crap. i guess i'll have to fight off the urge to collect them now. i tried, unsuccessfully, to fight off the urge when the first series of Spawn figures came out. Eventually i gave up, but still retain a rare figure of Angela with ribbons on her spear and the coveted 50th issue figure sent only to comic stores who ordered sufficient quantities of the 50th issue.

Anyway, it's trippy how similarly weird people seem to gravitate towards Lost obsession. That'sall... just my thought for the day.

The Virus Is Real

i know you all saw that nastiness last night. Sick.

Island Invisibility No More?

It's okay to admit when one is dead wrong about something and i was dead wrong about Desmond and Penny being the potential adoptees of Aaron...

Oh well, it looked like Desmond, but the chick is definitely not Penny. So much for that connection.

Moving on... My theory, in light of the Season 2 finale, is that when the electromagnetic thingie schitzes out it allows the "mask" of the island to dissolve and gives off a signature of the island (on radar, electromagnetic this or that or whatever). In one way or another the island becomes "visible."

Now Penny, when her beloved Desmond went missing in said area, probably began investigating only to discover that there was some mysterious "Brigadoon" type of island that appeared for a moment and then disappeared to researchers in the area (or whoever). So she likely paid dudes to check that possible connection out. On September 22 they find that massive "blip" appear with the "System Failure" event.

Now the two Portugese speaking dudes said something telling: they said something like "did we miss it again?" It seemed clear that they HAD in fact missed it again. Yet when they went to the computer the electromagnetic signature was clearly still there! This seems to indicate that with the system termination via the Swan key, the "mask" of the island was shut down and the island became visible for a more sustained length of time. Thus, the two Portugese speaking dudes called Penny in the middle of the night and told her that they had found it.

My theory is that Penny knows the location of the island now, and it is potentially visible to the outside world now...

Oh yeah, and how cool that the "Others'" hatch is bullshit...

This means the whole thing STILL conforms to the "leaked" film (something i want desparately to be true haha). The Others' hatch is fake, the Pearl station is itself part of station 1; a mere fake station set up to observe subjects. Thankfully i was right about that. The only "X-factor" left is "the Flame." It could fit in outside of the context of those 6 research centers (like the Medical Center for instance). Anyway, time will tell. As was the case with last years season finale, there are obviously more questions than answers.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Okay, so this is really causing me a lot of grief (relatively speaking of course)... What's the deal with this. i definitely don't get the vib that the online "leaked" Dharma film is a fake. There have been some impressive fake images but there are always a lot of obvious things about them (such as just having a ton of clues laid out neatly). The parameters of the research in the "leaked" film are consistent with Hanso research. The theories and the like are all on point and i would find it difficult to imagine that a forger would be able to pull of the video so authentically in terms of visual, audio and conceptual evidence...

With that said, here is the problem. The "leaked" video has the following image listed as 5 out of 6:

Now on the show we have the orientation video for the Pearl station as follows:

This presents a few options:

1. The Pearl Station is ITSELF a part of Station 1: Psychological Research. This may well be because we know that the orientation video has Dr. Candle providing a different name than in the Swan video. This means he is lying in one video. Additionally, as this video convinces Locke, the good doctor claims that the duties performed in the Swan hatch are meaningless. Nevertheless, as the hieroglyphics themselves ("Cause to die"), seem to indicate, that is far from the case.

2. The "leaked" video is a hoax. i don't think this is likely. If so then i am in awe of the forger and wonder how they have such great video resources at their disposal along with such believable actors (unlike one hoax video which was pathetically obvious due to the actors), AND on location filming of their actors.

3. There are other peripheral stations. This, however, would do little to explain the numbering of the stations. However, THIS could be the case ALONG WITH option 1.

Some things to consider...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Hanso Foundation UFO Connection

Remember the OLD Hanso website? God i need to find a mirror of that somewhere. Anyway, on the OLD website it said that one of their facets of research involved investigation Extreterrestrial this or that. When you clicked on the link it said you didn't have permission to access said page. Cool enough.

Well in addition there was the following article on the "DriveShaft" band page. Now i was going to post this a while ago, but then i thought i'd wait until i found a mirror of the OLD Hanso site. Anyway, after going back and forth on the issue, the DriveShaft site being down made me worry that they might kill off that site, so i better hop to making this connection public.

So anyway, here is the article from:

The Truth About Flight 815
by Carson Beckworth
UFO Watchers Weekly
Febuary 13, 2005

Those of us who are clued into the presence of extra-terrestrials here on earth often have to deal with scorn and disbelief from those un-believers. However, when incidents like the disappearance of Flight 815 occur, we have to wonder why those un-believers chose to be blind to the obvious facts.

Fact - Flight 815 disappeared completely off the radar. With the numerous 'black ops' spy satellites that are hovering over the earth, an object disappearing completely is almost unheard of. How is it that UFO's seem to evade these satellites, you ask? Well, as you should know, all alien aircrafts are equipped with stealth technology that make our Stealth Bomber look like a flying toaster. However, the question you really need to be asking is whether you really believe that the government doesn't know about our other worldly visitors.

Fact - The signal from Flight 815's black box stopped transmitting. The so-called 'black box' was designed to be able to transmit from anywhere 'on earth'. The only way the signal could be stopped is if it was out of range, i.e. off this earth.

Fact ­ Exploration into the backgrounds of several of the passengers turned up several who had no history. No driver's licenses, no social security numbers. They were essentially people who 'do not exist.' You might say that they had lied about their names or were traveling on false documents, however, it is well known that these people are most often government spooks traveling secretly throughout the world.

Many of these facts could be misconstrued by un-believers, but the loyal readers of this fine magazine know the truth and our voices are growing louder every day. The Truth Will Not Be Ignored!!

Now the most important points here are obviously that the author is claiming that there were ficticious names and social security numbers for some of the passengers on Flight 815. Can anyone say LIBBY!?! Anyway, the wife and i have been kicking around some theories on that, and additionally, lately i've been seeing some others comment to the same conclusions that various people might have been Others. Based on the Hurley psyche ward flashback episode, it would seem that the Hanso folks (assuming that this includes Libby), were following and/or orchastrating shit waaaay before Flight 815.

Anyway, so everyone knows about the "Bad Twin" novel tie in. For the fellow obsessive Lost Freaks, we all know about the "Gary Troup" previous text "The Valenzetti Equasion." Now check out some Valenzetti images from

The UFO flies around, and around, back and forth, this way and that...

Then, it comes in for a landing at this building...

Interesting connection, no?

i stand corrected... i guess.

The Shark's logo appears to be the Swan, not Station 1. Observe...

Now, i do have to say that the image from the show appears to be Station 1, as i said in the lost about the Dharma film with all 6 Stations. Honestly, i can't imagine HOW this logo could be the Swan logo. However, good ol' DJ Dan's "ConspiraSpy of the Month" yielded this clue:

"We were diving off the Great Barrier Reef when we found this partially decayed shark carcass. Check out the logo on this guy...definitely not a tattoo or a brand..." -Richard P.

Anyway, maybe they have all the logos on them. Whilst we ponder stuff like this it almost makes waiting a whole week between episodes bearable. The only curious thing is why it wouldn't be the Arrow station logo, as that station dealt with Zoological Studies...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Desmond's Behind the Scenes Connection...

So throughout the Lost episodes we have seen how pretty much everyone is tied in together; in a sort of 1 or 2 degrees of separation, rather than 6...

So what is Desmond's connection to anyone else besides Jack? Is that it? It IS strange enough that Jack came across him running with a Jersey on that looks like a 33rd Degree Freemason two-headed bird. But there's more to it than that.

So here's our boy Desmond in a picture with his girl from early Season 2.

And here they are planning to adopt Claire's baby:

All of this continues to beg the question of how everything could be THIS intricately intertwinned within the plot, and how that relates to the Valenzetti Equation; the same Equation that presumably gives the Others the seemingly uncanny ability to predict the actions of the survivors with little or no variance in their actuation.

Compass Site Clue...

"" image when you MouseOver the 108 coodinate...

DI9FFTR731, same as on the food DHARMA is dropping on the series.

More on later; lots more but the Jeep stuff should be saved for a separate speculatory post...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"Others'" Hatch and the Season Finale Previews

The following is a screen-capture from the "Three Minutes" episode flashback to Michael being taken to the staged camp of the "Others."

The logo appears to have a block type "8" in the middle. However, this begs the question of why it neither matches with the Dharma video of the six stations, nor would it make sense in any symbolic sense.

Perhaps the logo itself is fake like the staged "Others'" camp. i say this because the logo is painted right on the front so as to seemingly give disinformation. Perhaps, or perhaps it is a non-research Hatch like the medical one and the Pearl station at the "?". Time will tell.

Oh yeah, how's about that freakin' crazy "Swan" Dharma key?

Notice the pile of the vacuum tube containers that Pearl station folks would deliver their reports in...

With this huge pile of tubes in mind, was the Pearl crew perhaps the real subjects of a psychological experiment? Perhaps this was why Dr. Candle used a different name in their film, AND perhaps this is why he said that the Swan activities were "pointless." It would appear that Locke took this mind-game seriously, when in fact both Eko's dreams and the literal translation of the Hieroglyphics state that the work of pressing the button is important (the symbols claim that to do otherwise will "cause to die"). Obviously, if there was a person-to-person, or Station-to-Station communication via these tubes, then they would be reused like tubes at a bank window. Instead, it seems that the tubes were disposable and were replaced without even being opened. Obviously the "pointless" activities were those going on amongst those who filled out the contents of these tubes...

We see Jack swimming out to the boat in the preview. That may mean that it is either unmanned, or that it is Desmond alone on board (who Jack would likely not fear). We do see Desmond in other parts of the preview, and it is worthy of note that he claimed he happened upon that island in a trip around the world. Interesting... Could the boat have been what he was running to when he believed he was relieved of his duties?

Craziness in those there previews. i can't believe i have to actually wait a whole nother week!

Major Lost Clues: Part 2, The 6 Dharma Stations (not counting the "?" Pearl Station)


Behavioral Modification
Dissociative Disorder Study
Psychodynamic research
Systematic Desensitization

Ba Gua Analysis:

West, North-West and North, as well as East, South-East, and South are all "Heaven"
North-East and South-West are "Earth"

This appears to be the tattooed logo on the sharks in the episode where Walt was abducted. Check it out:

Moving on...


Anomalous Phenomena
Bilocation & Remote Viewing
Telekinetics & GESP

Ba Gua Analysis:

Post-Heaven Ba Gua


Boson String Research
Matrix Mechanic Theory
Quantum Electrodynamics

Ba Gua Analysis:

Post-Heaven Arrangement. This logo is seen from the beginning of Season 2 with the introduction of Desmond in "the Hatch." Since then, this one has been a freebie.

And next...


Crytozoological Research
Genus Aberrational Studies
Species Allocation & Conservation

Ba Gua Analysis:

Post-Heaven Arrangement seen in the episodes when Echo, Ana Lucia, Bernard and Liddy were introduced.

Continuing on...


Electron Degeneracy Research
Gravitational Radiation
Peculiar Stellar Velocities
Radiative Transport Study

Ba Gua Analysis:

Post-Heaven Arrangement


Heterogeneity Refinement
Cryogenic & Cellular stasis
Ectopic Integration Studies
Monoclonial Research

Ba Gua Analysis:

Heaven on four points, Earth on four corners.

Major Lost Clues: Part 1, Alvar Hanso's Identity

Okay, there is a ton that i would love to discuss about some major Lost clues. However, i don't want to unload it all at once... Well actually, i'm quite obsessed with this show and the "Lost Experience Game" that they have created, and i WOULD in fact like to unload all of my thoughts at once. However, both time and conceptual organization have their limits. Thus, first thing is first though; let's address things i was dead wrong about in my last post:

1. One thing i will say is that Hugh McIntyre is apparently not "Henry Gale." i missed the bio pic of Hugh before. He's some dude. So whois "Henry Gale." Definitely someone of importance. That much i'm sure of. i'm kicking around some pretty insane ideas. Nevertheless, Mittelwerk appears to be the "Heir Apparent."

2. i said that it didn't seem likely that the "Others" had someway to "make doppelgangers." i was wrong. Yes, that sounds like a crazy conclusion to jump to. However, for those who have seen the "lost" Dharma Initiative film, pay attention to the "Initiative Classifications" of Station 6.

  • Heterogeneity Refinement
  • Cryogenic & Cellular stasis
  • Ectopic Integration Studies
  • Monoclonal Research

Yes, you read that right: "Monoclonal Research." It would seem that the Season 1 "leaked" script, AND the Michael mystery may well have been solved. Think back to Sprite's "Do You Have The Proof" campaign. "Monoclonal" usually refers to antibodies, but in this case there is no specification that it is not "Monoclonal" in the literal sense; i.e. Cloning Research. This may explain the annotation on the blast shield in the Swan Bunker that has "Magnus Hanso" supposedly buried by the "Black Rock." Since Hanso was supposedly well advanced in years in World War 2. Now consider the following regarding the names of the Hexgrams in the I Ching, relative to "The Numbers," of the Valenzetti Equation:

4. Childhood
8. Union
15. Humility
16. Delight
23. Fall Apart
42. Increase

Everything seems to take a natural order. First you have childhood, then marital union, followed by the humility that comes with adulthood and experience (realizing that as a youth you didn't know shit). Following said humility comes delight (parenthood, honor following humility ala King Solomon's Proverbs), followed by "falling apart" in old age and death... Yet, the numbers don't end there. The 42nd Hexgram is "Increase." Consider that in the light of the Dharma Initiative Cloning experiments AND in the light of the old-to-young images of Alvar Hanso onsite in the "lost" Dharma film.

Screen Shot 1 of Alvar Hanso. The caption reads: "Alvar Hanso, a hands on approach to research." Now pay attention. His bio says that he emerged on the scene back in World War 2. We have him addressing the UN in 1967. We have this film strip in 1981. Check out the age, the gray hair, etc...

"And surveyor of of overseas facilities." Most likely this "of of" is just a typo. Nevertheless, it is strange to have a typo in a film strip as part of a such a huge show. However, it seems unlikely that "of of" could mean anything. Still, old Hanso has gray hair here on the Island; the "overseas facilities."

More gray hair. More old Hanso circa 1981.

After the film shows OLD Alvar descending into the ground on the Island (the cameraman makes sure to give a couple of seconds of panning out to show the island), via some Mayan type rock stairs, we see this final, enigmatic shot of a now YOUNG Hanso with brown hair; hair that shouldn't have been brown since the days that they didn't have color film in regular use.

"But wait! There's more!!!"

Check this crazy shit out: The NEW Hanso site is made in Flash (more on the OLD Hanso site in the upcoming Valenzetti UFO post). Whilst one would think that this means there are limited secrets that could be extrapolated from the coding of the site, there is an exception. If you have Acrobat Professional and save the Bio page of Alvar Hanso as a PDF and then go into editing/touch up mode in Professional, then you find this.

Many Lost nerds on the Internet have figured out that there is a hidden bio picture of Hanso being the hazy, distant worm's-eye view of him so prevalent on the Hanso site.

How do you accomplish the dissection of the Flash file, in order to view the hidden picture of Hanso? Just follow these four easy steps:

1. Go to the T.V. ad section of the Hanso site and right click the site and click print.

2. Select the Adobe Acrobat as your printer. It will make a PDF file of the Flash site.

3. Open your newly made PDF file.

4. Go to tools/advanced editing/touchup object tool and click the Alvar picture and drag it over and a picture of a man can be seen.

This picture is apparently just a clearer image of Alvar Hanso. However, IF this is indeed the case, then it is an important revelation. MR. ZEKE IS ALVAR HANSO!

Look at the image and compare it with Zeke. Mr. Zeke is of course the apparent "leader" of the "Others," that one "Henry Gale" blurted out "IS NO ONE!" At the time it seemed to direct the attention and the imposter "Gale." If he was telling the truth then he not only knew who "someone" was, but he seemed insulted that a peon like Mr. Zeke would be considered anybody significant. This implied that though Mr. Zeke APPEARED to be calling the shots in several episodes, he was no one compared to this "Gale" imposter. Not surprisingly, it seems Mr. "Gale" was full of shit.

A comparison of the hidden Hanso bio picture and a picture of Mr. Zeke sans theatrical beard. Remember the Claire episode that this picture was taken from? Ethan seemed to be reporting to Mr. Zeke. Strange then that "Henry Gale" blurts out "He is NO ONE!" When he finds out that the folks in the Swan bunker seemed to intuit that Mr. Zeke was in charge.

Notice that their facial bone structures are the exactly the same. Moreover, they both have a mole on their forehead in the exact same spot. Though they don't appear EXACTLY alike, the mole issue puts it over the top. That would be too HUGE of a coincidence. It's the same dude.

Here's some more juice relative to the whole "cloning" issue, from a "hidden" Dharma mirror site that was floating around.


The Foundation was created in 1960 to
facilitate a better society through Genetic Engineering and Cloning. Phase 1 of
the project was set to begin on a remote Island off the coast of Australia. The
project was abruptly cancelled when strange things began to occur at the test
site. In an effort to salvage the project a team of scientists were set to
conduct remote viewing experiments in an isolated bunker. They failed. In 1970
Dharma Industries DI was formed to oversee all activities associated with the
human genetic engineer project, genetic engineering, dna clone restructuring and
the science of human cloning. After a series of mysterious deaths, DI was shut
down and the human cloning project abruptly cancelled. Five years following the
dissolution of the Foundation it was discovered that a team of genetic
researchers had survived and were still living and conducting cloning
experiments on the island. The Foundation is ERROR




Oh yes, there is a TON more beyond this. Upcoming Lost Secret posts include but are not limited to:

  • The Valenzetti Equation and Hanso UFO Research
  • The Desmond Connection
  • The 6 Stations and the Lost Dharma Film

Look for these all throughout the next two weeks as this incredible Season comes to a close. My God, what will i do with my television after that?

Purgatory: "Gary Troup" and Various "Lost" Clues

i have to give Sprite props on their advertising campaign, tied in with the "Lost" series. Naturally, anyone or anything supporting this amazing show is going to get props from me, even if Sprite is a bit on the boring side (what is the point of Mountain Dew without caffeine)? Anyway, during last Wednesday's episode of Lost there was an amazing Hanso Foundation commercial run, which in fine print said it was sponsored by Sprite. The website on the commercial was "" which in and of itself is a clue to unlock a clue.

The normal Hanso Foundation website is you are at all into Lost then you NEED to check this site out. There are clues upon clues in every nook and cranny of it. To get the Persephone Password for, you'll need to visit That is about all i've found on the latter, save the name itself. Let's consider:

Subliminal is the obvious word that the name is playing on with a mesh of "Lemon" and "Lime." Naturally, these are the flavors of Sprite, which claims on the commercial to be the sponsor of the Hanso ad. So consider this, ANOTHER website registered to Sprite, which is an ad campaign for their product. Talk about "Subliminal," read between the lines of what Sprite issaying. Additionally, look at the countdown clock. Exactly the same number of days until the Lost Season Finale.

Consider the content of "" in light of the following "leaked" script prototype.

Now, after reading the "leaked" script, consider the sudden reappearance of Michael (bearing in mind that if you notice in the previews for this week, Michael is being injected with something by Mr. Zeke in the flashback of being caught by the "Others"), and THEN consider Sprite's "subliminal" advertising campaign that is going to be "revealed" strangely at the same time as the season finale of Season 2 of Lost.

DO U HAVE THE PROOF? You know, the proof. The proof that you are who you say you are. The proof that you're yourself and nobody else. The proof that you are one of a kind, the real deal and the genuine article. No two proof's are alike, but everybody's got one. We went out on the street to find the proof. Click on aslide to see it for yourself.

Sprite shows its proof June 2006.

Now back to the leaked script (if you ask really nice i'll give up the second "leaked" script and let you know my thoughts on it)...

It seems fairly tough to imagine that the Hanso Foundation and Dharma Initiative have figured out some wild-ass way to make doppelgangers. Nevertheless, during Season 1 there was a lot of speculation amongst nerds like myself on forums. Alot of this centered around the name of the French woman, her barely referenced husband and a book on doppelgangers in French by a man of the same name. Now, it turns out this book likely doesn't exist and was mentioned in Amazon reviews by people who are likely the Lost creators or their employees. These guys seem to dot all their "i's" and cross all their "t's." Clearly this is the most interactive television show in history. i'm in awe.

Nevertheless, Michael seems to fit the bill of what was being speculated about in Season 1. However, the writers/creators have already said that the script is more or less living; and whilst they have a general plot, ending and key points in between, they are constantly evolving the plot. Thus, the "leaked" script doesn't mean that was carved in stone, but that it wasa general idea that they were going with. Now, in the previews for this Wednesday's episode of Lost, we see a lot of "flashback" scenes with Michael, that seem to explain what happened to him when he was off searching for Walt. One revealing scene in particular is a short glimpse of Mr. Zeke injecting him with something. This makes sense how there was a sort of Doppleganger EFFECT with him. He clearly didn't seem to be acting like good-ol' Michael just on amass-murder mission to get his son back. i'm not buying that hypothesis.

Oh yeah, and "Henry Gale," no, he's not Hanso, but he's "the guy." He's the "Heir Apparent." That's my educated guess for now. Just you wait and see...

Now, more juice... Remember two episodes ago when Sawyer was reading a manuscript called "The Bad Twin," and Jack came and threw it in the fire? Well though this was a clear reference and clue to the re-emergence of Michael in that same episode, there is a lot more to it. Rumored to have been written by Stephen King (in reality), the author "Gary Troup" was supposedly a passenger on Oceanic Flight 815 that crashed on the island. Hyperion Press plays the game on their website and on the sleeve of the book; speaking about the crash and saying that Gary Troup disappeared with this flight right before they published the book.

Though the book "fiction" (actually, fiction within fiction), thereare a TON of clues. It is based on fictional "reality" and has a lot of info on Alvar Hanso, the Hanso Foundation, and yet more subliminal info on another "Heir Apparent." i could say more about this, but it would turn into a humongous post. Now, in a staged interview by this fake author, he is asked about the Hanso Foundation and how he drew on his previous "non-fiction" book. What is that book you ask? Checkit out...

On the fictional author "Gary Troup's" website, we read:

The Valenzetti Equation
By Gary Troup

What if a mathematical equation could predict the apocalypse? Using recently-declassified material and hundreds of hours of interviews with former employees of the United Nations and prominent members of the defense and academic establishment, best-selling author Gary Troup turns his finely honed sense of mystery toward one of the most vexing mathematical riddles of our time.


i thought i would cry when i read those fateful words: "OUT OFPRINT," but oh well, it's all part of the game. i wouldn't be surprised if sometime next season or the season thereafter Hyperion Press reprints this keybook. Basically, you can expect just about EVERYTHING relating to the Hanso Foundation to be therein. Amazing.

Also, you might want to check out what i found when i googled Valenzetti:

And yes, that too was made by the creators of Lost. Color me impressed.

The Hanso website was updated today, at the right of the homepage, where all the news is posted the following article was posted:

The link takes you here and note that the link contains "Paris" As this was a Hanso hiding place.

Who is "Hugh McIntyre," you might ask? Hehehe :) i fucking love this show.

Oh yeah, and don't forget:

(206) 861-5017/

Amazing. More later.