Island Invisibility No More?
It's okay to admit when one is dead wrong about something and i was dead wrong about Desmond and Penny being the potential adoptees of Aaron...

Oh well, it looked like Desmond, but the chick is definitely not Penny. So much for that connection.

Moving on... My theory, in light of the Season 2 finale, is that when the electromagnetic thingie schitzes out it allows the "mask" of the island to dissolve and gives off a signature of the island (on radar, electromagnetic this or that or whatever). In one way or another the island becomes "visible."
Now Penny, when her beloved Desmond went missing in said area, probably began investigating only to discover that there was some mysterious "Brigadoon" type of island that appeared for a moment and then disappeared to researchers in the area (or whoever). So she likely paid dudes to check that possible connection out. On September 22 they find that massive "blip" appear with the "System Failure" event.

Now the two Portugese speaking dudes said something telling: they said something like "did we miss it again?" It seemed clear that they HAD in fact missed it again. Yet when they went to the computer the electromagnetic signature was clearly still there! This seems to indicate that with the system termination via the Swan key, the "mask" of the island was shut down and the island became visible for a more sustained length of time. Thus, the two Portugese speaking dudes called Penny in the middle of the night and told her that they had found it.

My theory is that Penny knows the location of the island now, and it is potentially visible to the outside world now...

Oh yeah, and how cool that the "Others'" hatch is bullshit...

This means the whole thing STILL conforms to the "leaked" film (something i want desparately to be true haha). The Others' hatch is fake, the Pearl station is itself part of station 1; a mere fake station set up to observe subjects. Thankfully i was right about that. The only "X-factor" left is "the Flame." It could fit in outside of the context of those 6 research centers (like the Medical Center for instance). Anyway, time will tell. As was the case with last years season finale, there are obviously more questions than answers.

Oh well, it looked like Desmond, but the chick is definitely not Penny. So much for that connection.

Moving on... My theory, in light of the Season 2 finale, is that when the electromagnetic thingie schitzes out it allows the "mask" of the island to dissolve and gives off a signature of the island (on radar, electromagnetic this or that or whatever). In one way or another the island becomes "visible."
Now Penny, when her beloved Desmond went missing in said area, probably began investigating only to discover that there was some mysterious "Brigadoon" type of island that appeared for a moment and then disappeared to researchers in the area (or whoever). So she likely paid dudes to check that possible connection out. On September 22 they find that massive "blip" appear with the "System Failure" event.

Now the two Portugese speaking dudes said something telling: they said something like "did we miss it again?" It seemed clear that they HAD in fact missed it again. Yet when they went to the computer the electromagnetic signature was clearly still there! This seems to indicate that with the system termination via the Swan key, the "mask" of the island was shut down and the island became visible for a more sustained length of time. Thus, the two Portugese speaking dudes called Penny in the middle of the night and told her that they had found it.

My theory is that Penny knows the location of the island now, and it is potentially visible to the outside world now...

Oh yeah, and how cool that the "Others'" hatch is bullshit...

This means the whole thing STILL conforms to the "leaked" film (something i want desparately to be true haha). The Others' hatch is fake, the Pearl station is itself part of station 1; a mere fake station set up to observe subjects. Thankfully i was right about that. The only "X-factor" left is "the Flame." It could fit in outside of the context of those 6 research centers (like the Medical Center for instance). Anyway, time will tell. As was the case with last years season finale, there are obviously more questions than answers.
Is it possible that Libby and Penny are somehow related (Widmore kids)? Penny convinced Libby to give the boat to Desmond. Penny knew that this was a matter of pride to him and that he *was* going to make the race. However, Penny thinks ahead and plants a tracking device on the boat. Big problem, however, is that the island's ability to throw off a compass and gauges (remember Flight 815 being off course) has also jammed the tracker. So essentially Desmond pressing the button to *save the world* has trapped him on the island. His moment of glory, turning the key, has set him free of not only the timer, but has given his love "just enough" to find him. I have read that next season only takes place over 22 hours on the island so I doubt they will be rescued next season, but it definitely gives us a set up for scenes back home of Penny frantically searching for Des.
My theory is that Charles Widmore (and his companies) are involved with the Island in some way or another. Maybe Charles planned to get Desmond on this island, since he didnt want to give up on Penny and take Charles money. It sounds alittle far-fetched - i know. :)
Anyway, Penny somehow knew about his plan and about the electromagnetics on the Island that her father was involved with, and hired those portuguise scientists to look track it down.
Concerning Desmond, i dont think that he's dead, neither that Locke are. Desmond said himself that the blastdoors where made to take an atombomb. And i would think that the primary use of those blastdoors is to protect the computer aswell as the persons inside that 'globe' structure.
Anyway, what i was originally going to write about was the picture of Desmond and X. :)
In the season finale there is another photo of Desmond and Penny (16:44 into E24). It's NOT the same picture as you have on your blog. On that image there a clear picture of Penny. But on the one you have on your blogpage, the image is not so clear, the girl has another shirt (white) and here face doesnt look the same, and she looks alot more like the couple trying to adopt Aaron. Also the backgrounds are slightly different. Its the same background, but a little difference.
It looks MUCH more like the girl on the image, like your orignally said.
And i am very confident that it actually is some other girl and Desmond who tried to adopt the kid.
The photograph is really intressting thought. Why to pictures that are almost the same - same background, same red jacket, but two different girls? And if you look at the picture in E24 - Penny looks like someone used an image edit program and cut her into the picture to replace who ever was on the picture earlier..
Just my 2 cents.. :)
GG: It is certainly possible. Nevertheless, i dig your intuition that Libby is Hanso all the way. That's definitely what i'm feeling. Also, did you ever read that spoiler thing about her? It was from the writers in a chat thingie, where they said she was a *******!** *!**. Another source says that they said: "*o******** **a*." Either way, if that is the case it would fit the Dharma profile (or the Hugh McIntyre profile), and would explain why she was key to Desmond winding up on the Island AND why she was in the Psyche ward...
Björn: The Widmore connection is 100% for sure. i hadn't thought about the concept of Chuck W. trying to disappear Desmond. i don't necessarily think that is the case, but it is an interesting though.
As for your blast door comment... Excellent point. You're right. i'd be surprised if any of them are dead with that in mind.
As for the notion that it is another girl and Des adopting the baby... i can't believe i didn't think of that. It IS entirely possible. However, that would seem to mean that he had moved on from Penny, which it seemed he hadn't based on keeping her picture, etc.
Dang. My last comment timed out, so to sum it up quickly:
I've changed my mind about the adoption part. I dont think it's Desmond anymore. It doesnt make any sense that he would adopt a kid, and it doesnt fit the timeframe.
However, the picture of him with two different women are still a huge mystery to me..
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