"Across the Sea"
So now you think you know what's up right?

Or don't you?
i don't really quite understand how people think about Lost. i mean i do and i don't. i think some things are obvious to everyone but then i sound like i'm talking down to people when i say "This was completely obvious!"
In this case i thought it was supposed to be. However, after finding out that pretty much no one i know noticed this, i have reevaluated that the writers were trying to make it more subtle and i just picked up on it.
What is it that i'm referring to, you might ask?
Well, i could comment on how hot Claudia, the woman who gave birth to Jacob and "The Bad Twin," was...

But a picture is really worth 1,000 words...
Instead i'll limit today's post to one topic only: The "Surrogate" mother was a Smoke Monster herself. If this isn't obvious to you, i'll explain:
Aside from when she said "if there were other people on the island, i would know about it," we see that she is able to get down the ladder to the "Dharma Wheel," without Jacob's brother having heard a sound. He simply senses her there once she's down. If you recall from the season 4 finale, this was a very, very, very deep hole. One could argue that the light source here is too strong for it to be so deep. Regardless of this potential faux pas, we see that they are EXTREMELY deep under the Orchid in Season 4. Imagine going a mile deep down a rackety old ladder and not making noise. Imagine doing that and then standing on the OPPOSITE side of the ladder than the guy you came down there for...
Then she carries Jacob's brother up that same mile long ladder? What kind of person could do this? THEN she fills in that entire hole that the whole community had been digging out, in the time that it took for Jacob's brother to wake up? No.
Then she kills this entire warrior community. Again: No. Not unless she is a Smoke Monster.
Then recall that before Jacob tosses dude down the magic chute, his surrogate mother urges him not to go down there under any circumstances. He asks if he would die and she urges that he would face a fate worse than death. When Jacob tosses dude he tells him it is to give him what he wants by kicking him off the island. He does not think he is capable of killing his brother, as the surrogate mother said as much. He also was told that going down the Light Chute would not kill one.
In our next installment: The Water of Light...
She also got stabbed without greeting bad twin and said thank you. Clearly she was a smoke monster. I want to know what think about the light.
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