Friday, May 19, 2006

i stand corrected... i guess.

The Shark's logo appears to be the Swan, not Station 1. Observe...

Now, i do have to say that the image from the show appears to be Station 1, as i said in the lost about the Dharma film with all 6 Stations. Honestly, i can't imagine HOW this logo could be the Swan logo. However, good ol' DJ Dan's "ConspiraSpy of the Month" yielded this clue:

"We were diving off the Great Barrier Reef when we found this partially decayed shark carcass. Check out the logo on this guy...definitely not a tattoo or a brand..." -Richard P.

Anyway, maybe they have all the logos on them. Whilst we ponder stuff like this it almost makes waiting a whole week between episodes bearable. The only curious thing is why it wouldn't be the Arrow station logo, as that station dealt with Zoological Studies...


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