Purgatory: "Gary Troup" and Various "Lost" Clues
i have to give Sprite props on their advertising campaign, tied in with the "Lost" series. Naturally, anyone or anything supporting this amazing show is going to get props from me, even if Sprite is a bit on the boring side (what is the point of Mountain Dew without caffeine)? Anyway, during last Wednesday's episode of Lost there was an amazing Hanso Foundation commercial run, which in fine print said it was sponsored by Sprite. The website on the commercial was "Sublymonal.com" which in and of itself is a clue to unlock a clue.
The normal Hanso Foundation website is TheHansoFoundation.org.If you are at all into Lost then you NEED to check this site out. There are clues upon clues in every nook and cranny of it. To get the Persephone Password for TheHansoFoundation.org, you'll need to visit Sublymonal.com. That is about all i've found on the latter, save the name itself. Let's consider:
Subliminal is the obvious word that the name is playing on with a mesh of "Lemon" and "Lime." Naturally, these are the flavors of Sprite, which claims on the commercial to be the sponsor of the Hanso ad. So consider this, ANOTHER website registered to Sprite, which is an ad campaign for their product. Talk about "Subliminal," read between the lines of what Sprite issaying. Additionally, look at the countdown clock. Exactly the same number of days until the Lost Season Finale.
Consider the content of "DoYouHaveTheProof.com" in light of the following "leaked" script prototype.

Now, after reading the "leaked" script, consider the sudden reappearance of Michael (bearing in mind that if you notice in the previews for this week, Michael is being injected with something by Mr. Zeke in the flashback of being caught by the "Others"), and THEN consider Sprite's "subliminal" advertising campaign that is going to be "revealed" strangely at the same time as the season finale of Season 2 of Lost.
DO U HAVE THE PROOF? You know, the proof. The proof that you are who you say you are. The proof that you're yourself and nobody else. The proof that you are one of a kind, the real deal and the genuine article. No two proof's are alike, but everybody's got one. We went out on the street to find the proof. Click on aslide to see it for yourself.
Sprite shows its proof June 2006.
Now back to the leaked script (if you ask really nice i'll give up the second "leaked" script and let you know my thoughts on it)...
It seems fairly tough to imagine that the Hanso Foundation and Dharma Initiative have figured out some wild-ass way to make doppelgangers. Nevertheless, during Season 1 there was a lot of speculation amongst nerds like myself on forums. Alot of this centered around the name of the French woman, her barely referenced husband and a book on doppelgangers in French by a man of the same name. Now, it turns out this book likely doesn't exist and was mentioned in Amazon reviews by people who are likely the Lost creators or their employees. These guys seem to dot all their "i's" and cross all their "t's." Clearly this is the most interactive television show in history. i'm in awe.
Nevertheless, Michael seems to fit the bill of what was being speculated about in Season 1. However, the writers/creators have already said that the script is more or less living; and whilst they have a general plot, ending and key points in between, they are constantly evolving the plot. Thus, the "leaked" script doesn't mean that was carved in stone, but that it wasa general idea that they were going with. Now, in the previews for this Wednesday's episode of Lost, we see a lot of "flashback" scenes with Michael, that seem to explain what happened to him when he was off searching for Walt. One revealing scene in particular is a short glimpse of Mr. Zeke injecting him with something. This makes sense how there was a sort of Doppleganger EFFECT with him. He clearly didn't seem to be acting like good-ol' Michael just on amass-murder mission to get his son back. i'm not buying that hypothesis.
Oh yeah, and "Henry Gale," no, he's not Hanso, but he's "the guy." He's the "Heir Apparent." That's my educated guess for now. Just you wait and see...
Now, more juice... Remember two episodes ago when Sawyer was reading a manuscript called "The Bad Twin," and Jack came and threw it in the fire? Well though this was a clear reference and clue to the re-emergence of Michael in that same episode, there is a lot more to it. Rumored to have been written by Stephen King (in reality), the author "Gary Troup" was supposedly a passenger on Oceanic Flight 815 that crashed on the island. Hyperion Press plays the game on their website and on the sleeve of the book; speaking about the crash and saying that Gary Troup disappeared with this flight right before they published the book.
Though the book "fiction" (actually, fiction within fiction), thereare a TON of clues. It is based on fictional "reality" and has a lot of info on Alvar Hanso, the Hanso Foundation, and yet more subliminal info on another "Heir Apparent." i could say more about this, but it would turn into a humongous post. Now, in a staged interview by this fake author, he is asked about the Hanso Foundation and how he drew on his previous "non-fiction" book. What is that book you ask? Checkit out...
On the fictional author "Gary Troup's" website, we read:
The Valenzetti Equation
By Gary Troup
What if a mathematical equation could predict the apocalypse? Using recently-declassified material and hundreds of hours of interviews with former employees of the United Nations and prominent members of the defense and academic establishment, best-selling author Gary Troup turns his finely honed sense of mystery toward one of the most vexing mathematical riddles of our time.
i thought i would cry when i read those fateful words: "OUT OFPRINT," but oh well, it's all part of the game. i wouldn't be surprised if sometime next season or the season thereafter Hyperion Press reprints this keybook. Basically, you can expect just about EVERYTHING relating to the Hanso Foundation to be therein. Amazing.
Also, you might want to check out what i found when i googled Valenzetti: http://www.valenzettifoundation.org/
And yes, that too was made by the creators of Lost. Color me impressed.
The Hanso website was updated today, at the right of the homepage, where all the news is posted the following article was posted:

The link takes you here and note that the link contains "Paris" As this was a Hanso hiding place.
Who is "Hugh McIntyre," you might ask? Hehehe :) i fucking love this show.
Oh yeah, and don't forget:
(206) 861-5017/Hugh.McIntyre@thehansofoundation.org
Amazing. More later.
your amazing, i sulute u good sir!
Thank you; you are too kind. i am just happy that someone commented on this post though :) haha
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