"Others'" Hatch and the Season Finale Previews

The logo appears to have a block type "8" in the middle. However, this begs the question of why it neither matches with the Dharma video of the six stations, nor would it make sense in any symbolic sense.

Perhaps the logo itself is fake like the staged "Others'" camp. i say this because the logo is painted right on the front so as to seemingly give disinformation. Perhaps, or perhaps it is a non-research Hatch like the medical one and the Pearl station at the "?". Time will tell.
Oh yeah, how's about that freakin' crazy "Swan" Dharma key?

Notice the pile of the vacuum tube containers that Pearl station folks would deliver their reports in...
With this huge pile of tubes in mind, was the Pearl crew perhaps the real subjects of a psychological experiment? Perhaps this was why Dr. Candle used a different name in their film, AND perhaps this is why he said that the Swan activities were "pointless." It would appear that Locke took this mind-game seriously, when in fact both Eko's dreams and the literal translation of the Hieroglyphics state that the work of pressing the button is important (the symbols claim that to do otherwise will "cause to die"). Obviously, if there was a person-to-person, or Station-to-Station communication via these tubes, then they would be reused like tubes at a bank window. Instead, it seems that the tubes were disposable and were replaced without even being opened. Obviously the "pointless" activities were those going on amongst those who filled out the contents of these tubes...
We see Jack swimming out to the boat in the preview. That may mean that it is either unmanned, or that it is Desmond alone on board (who Jack would likely not fear). We do see Desmond in other parts of the preview, and it is worthy of note that he claimed he happened upon that island in a trip around the world. Interesting... Could the boat have been what he was running to when he believed he was relieved of his duties?
The symbol on the door looks like just that, a door. Could this be the "entry" to the island? Maybe this leads out to the Pala Ferry that was referred to or just a dock. If they are keeping Walt in there, it would explain why he was dripping wet when he appeared to Shannon. It would also be a good place to hide a BOAT if there is some sort of cutout in the rocks where they could dock.
This would also go along with the rock on the side of the mountain that Michael saw. Maybe that rock is a beacon of sorts, their version of a lighthouse, for those looking for the entry way to the island. The rock had a window or door on it cut out as well.
Yeah a few things:
1. The rocks surrounding it are totally artificial looking, for example. But that's not really that crazy i guess. The formation on the top IS indeed interesting though... The jury is still out in my brain as to what i think about that :)
2. The dock thing could be. Do you think that boat was the Others' boat or Desmonds? i'm going with Desmond's until i can find an image to confirm it one way or the other; particularly because Desmond pops up again in next episode.
3. Remember what Miss Clue or Klugh (or however her name is spelled), said about Walt appearing in places that he wasn't physically SUPPOSED to be at? i.e. BILOCATION ala Station 2 "Initative Classifications: Bilocation and Remote Viewing." ;)
Okay i think that's all for now. Off to T'aiji.
Just to clarify...
Fake or real, "Walt" on the computer tells Mike to look for the rock with the big HOLE in it so I think it's safe to say it is a landmark. I was taking it to the next level assuming that it is also used as a landmark for someone coming from sea. Fake would be an interesting plot twist, however, considering we know that Zeke is a big fake. Another con?
I think that they are hiding the seabilly boat in the sea-cave. I would guess the sailboat that is coming ashore is Desmond's. That would explain where our "brother" has been since he left the hatch. He found his boat.
Good catch on the Bilocation.
True, true.
And yes, the rock formation definitely would be eye catching as you rounded the shore of an island.
Fake or real - as you noted - is of course no matter i suppose :) But it definitely is a weird formation to be singular. i mean, normally like out West you see things like that, but there are many similar in nature. i don't know... it was just it being there all by itself made me wonder.
A sea cave IS an interesting idea. It would make sense, ESPECIALLY if a lot of this stuff is man-made. i mean, if you are making fake land marks and carving out massive underground facilities then why not just make a cave to dock your boat(s) in. Good point :)
If I'm not mistaken, the same symbol appears at the end of the Jeep CJ7 commercial that you can view in one of the /usr/ folders at letyourcompassguideyou.com
Also, I am under the impression that the symbol is for the Dharma Initiative itself, rather than one of its components. But I can't say for certain, and I'm too lazy to double check right now, but hopefully that will answer a question for you.
i couldn't personally make out which logo that was on the Jeep one. However, what you said could well be the case - that there is one overall Dharma symbol (beyond the six surrounding the man) - as we see in this new "8" looking logo.
As well, there is the Pearl Station too which appears to be just the traditional Ba Gua mirror (to ward off evil, usually placed outside of entrances, windows, etc). So it makes sense perhaps, as there are apparently more than six stations. Perhaps just six research stations as in the video...
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