Major Lost Clues: Part 1, Alvar Hanso's Identity
1. One thing i will say is that Hugh McIntyre is apparently not "Henry Gale." i missed the bio pic of Hugh before. He's some dude. So whois "Henry Gale." Definitely someone of importance. That much i'm sure of. i'm kicking around some pretty insane ideas. Nevertheless, Mittelwerk appears to be the "Heir Apparent."
2. i said that it didn't seem likely that the "Others" had someway to "make doppelgangers." i was wrong. Yes, that sounds like a crazy conclusion to jump to. However, for those who have seen the "lost" Dharma Initiative film, pay attention to the "Initiative Classifications" of Station 6.
- Heterogeneity Refinement
- Cryogenic & Cellular stasis
- Ectopic Integration Studies
- Monoclonal Research
Yes, you read that right: "Monoclonal Research." It would seem that the Season 1 "leaked" script, AND the Michael mystery may well have been solved. Think back to Sprite's "Do You Have The Proof" campaign. "Monoclonal" usually refers to antibodies, but in this case there is no specification that it is not "Monoclonal" in the literal sense; i.e. Cloning Research. This may explain the annotation on the blast shield in the Swan Bunker that has "Magnus Hanso" supposedly buried by the "Black Rock." Since Hanso was supposedly well advanced in years in World War 2. Now consider the following regarding the names of the Hexgrams in the I Ching, relative to "The Numbers," of the Valenzetti Equation:
4. Childhood
8. Union
15. Humility
16. Delight
23. Fall Apart
42. Increase
Everything seems to take a natural order. First you have childhood, then marital union, followed by the humility that comes with adulthood and experience (realizing that as a youth you didn't know shit). Following said humility comes delight (parenthood, honor following humility ala King Solomon's Proverbs), followed by "falling apart" in old age and death... Yet, the numbers don't end there. The 42nd Hexgram is "Increase." Consider that in the light of the Dharma Initiative Cloning experiments AND in the light of the old-to-young images of Alvar Hanso onsite in the "lost" Dharma film.

"And surveyor of of overseas facilities." Most likely this "of of" is just a typo. Nevertheless, it is strange to have a typo in a film strip as part of a such a huge show. However, it seems unlikely that "of of" could mean anything. Still, old Hanso has gray hair here on the Island; the "overseas facilities."

More gray hair. More old Hanso circa 1981.
After the film shows OLD Alvar descending into the ground on the Island (the cameraman makes sure to give a couple of seconds of panning out to show the island), via some Mayan type rock stairs, we see this final, enigmatic shot of a now YOUNG Hanso with brown hair; hair that shouldn't have been brown since the days that they didn't have color film in regular use.
"But wait! There's more!!!"
Check this crazy shit out: The NEW Hanso site is made in Flash (more on the OLD Hanso site in the upcoming Valenzetti UFO post). Whilst one would think that this means there are limited secrets that could be extrapolated from the coding of the site, there is an exception. If you have Acrobat Professional and save the Bio page of Alvar Hanso as a PDF and then go into editing/touch up mode in Professional, then you find this.

Many Lost nerds on the Internet have figured out that there is a hidden bio picture of Hanso being the hazy, distant worm's-eye view of him so prevalent on the Hanso site.
How do you accomplish the dissection of the Flash file, in order to view the hidden picture of Hanso? Just follow these four easy steps:
1. Go to the T.V. ad section of the Hanso site and right click the site and click print.
2. Select the Adobe Acrobat as your printer. It will make a PDF file of the Flash site.
3. Open your newly made PDF file.
4. Go to tools/advanced editing/touchup object tool and click the Alvar picture and drag it over and a picture of a man can be seen.
This picture is apparently just a clearer image of Alvar Hanso. However, IF this is indeed the case, then it is an important revelation. MR. ZEKE IS ALVAR HANSO!
A comparison of the hidden Hanso bio picture and a picture of Mr. Zeke sans theatrical beard. Remember the Claire episode that this picture was taken from? Ethan seemed to be reporting to Mr. Zeke. Strange then that "Henry Gale" blurts out "He is NO ONE!" When he finds out that the folks in the Swan bunker seemed to intuit that Mr. Zeke was in charge.
Notice that their facial bone structures are the exactly the same. Moreover, they both have a mole on their forehead in the exact same spot. Though they don't appear EXACTLY alike, the mole issue puts it over the top. That would be too HUGE of a coincidence. It's the same dude.
Here's some more juice relative to the whole "cloning" issue, from a "hidden" Dharma mirror site that was floating around.
The Foundation was created in 1960 to
facilitate a better society through Genetic Engineering and Cloning. Phase 1 of
the project was set to begin on a remote Island off the coast of Australia. The
project was abruptly cancelled when strange things began to occur at the test
site. In an effort to salvage the project a team of scientists were set to
conduct remote viewing experiments in an isolated bunker. They failed. In 1970
Dharma Industries DI was formed to oversee all activities associated with the
human genetic engineer project, genetic engineering, dna clone restructuring and
the science of human cloning. After a series of mysterious deaths, DI was shut
down and the human cloning project abruptly cancelled. Five years following the
dissolution of the Foundation it was discovered that a team of genetic
researchers had survived and were still living and conducting cloning
experiments on the island. The Foundation is ERROR

Oh yes, there is a TON more beyond this. Upcoming Lost Secret posts include but are not limited to:
- The Valenzetti Equation and Hanso UFO Research
- The Desmond Connection
- The 6 Stations and the Lost Dharma Film
Look for these all throughout the next two weeks as this incredible Season comes to a close. My God, what will i do with my television after that?
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