Hanso Foundation UFO Connection
Well in addition there was the following article on the "DriveShaft" band page. Now i was going to post this a while ago, but then i thought i'd wait until i found a mirror of the OLD Hanso site. Anyway, after going back and forth on the issue, the DriveShaft site being down made me worry that they might kill off that site, so i better hop to making this connection public.
So anyway, here is the article from: http://www.driveshaftband.com/flight815_1.htm
Now the most important points here are obviously that the author is claiming that there were ficticious names and social security numbers for some of the passengers on Flight 815. Can anyone say LIBBY!?! Anyway, the wife and i have been kicking around some theories on that, and additionally, lately i've been seeing some others comment to the same conclusions that various people might have been Others. Based on the Hurley psyche ward flashback episode, it would seem that the Hanso folks (assuming that this includes Libby), were following and/or orchastrating shit waaaay before Flight 815.The Truth About Flight 815
by Carson Beckworth
UFO Watchers Weekly
Febuary 13, 2005Those of us who are clued into the presence of extra-terrestrials here on earth often have to deal with scorn and disbelief from those un-believers. However, when incidents like the disappearance of Flight 815 occur, we have to wonder why those un-believers chose to be blind to the obvious facts.
Fact - Flight 815 disappeared completely off the radar. With the numerous 'black ops' spy satellites that are hovering over the earth, an object disappearing completely is almost unheard of. How is it that UFO's seem to evade these satellites, you ask? Well, as you should know, all alien aircrafts are equipped with stealth technology that make our Stealth Bomber look like a flying toaster. However, the question you really need to be asking is whether you really believe that the government doesn't know about our other worldly visitors.
Fact - The signal from Flight 815's black box stopped transmitting. The so-called 'black box' was designed to be able to transmit from anywhere 'on earth'. The only way the signal could be stopped is if it was out of range, i.e. off this earth.
Fact Exploration into the backgrounds of several of the passengers turned up several who had no history. No driver's licenses, no social security numbers. They were essentially people who 'do not exist.' You might say that they had lied about their names or were traveling on false documents, however, it is well known that these people are most often government spooks traveling secretly throughout the world.
Many of these facts could be misconstrued by un-believers, but the loyal readers of this fine magazine know the truth and our voices are growing louder every day. The Truth Will Not Be Ignored!!
Anyway, so everyone knows about the "Bad Twin" novel tie in. For the fellow obsessive Lost Freaks, we all know about the "Gary Troup" previous text "The Valenzetti Equasion." Now check out some Valenzetti images from video.google.com.
The UFO flies around, and around, back and forth, this way and that...

Then, it comes in for a landing at this building...

Interesting connection, no?
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