This Episode Answered EVERYTHING
My God, where do i start? i've been so burnt out on blogging about Lost. i don't know why. Perhaps it was their almost daily acceleration of online scavenger hunts, that just got far too old. i don't know, but honestly, the show has been amazingly great for some time now. There was a brief period of a lull; after which i had really slumped with blogging about the show. However, that was a long time ago, and water under the bridge. i really shouldn't even mention it, as Lost and i have been doing fine for a long time now.

This past episode was beyond amazing. What do i even say? Where do i even start? A couple of episodes ago, there was an hour where NOTHING was explained at all. Would it be to simpletonistic to say that this really wasn't cool? The first episode of the Season? i was teaching a Martial Arts, Qi Kung and Meditation seminar in Erie, and the fam out there and i pilled in the computer room to watch the Season premier... Well, actually we piled in to watch the "Two Hours of Lost" or "Two Hour Season Premier," or however they phrased it. The first hour of Ben's narration was such a let down; and the second where the folks from the boat didn't drop in until the end, made the previews feel like false advertising.
But this... THIS episode! What can i say? Seriously. So i leave you with these points; why i go so far as to say that this episode explained EVERYTHING:
1. The Blackrock:
a). When it was shipwrecked
b). That nothing was every found and that they disappeared utterly
c). That no one found anything but some pirates with the log of the ship
d). That the log - being auctioned - had been UNREAD by ALL but the patron family; named as HANSO.... YES HANSO!!!!!!
e). OBVIOUSLY the fact that Mr. Whitmore was the dude who bought the log in 1996; HENCE the connection to how he could have orchestrated the disappearance of Desmond.

2. The Consciousness Time-Space Travel.
a). Explains EVERYTHING about the island
b). Explains why the island can't be traditionally found
c). Explains everything to the sense that we can easily interpret this in the Bermuda Triangle tradition.

God, i know i'm forgetting something. Bounce some ideas around and i'll remember them...

This past episode was beyond amazing. What do i even say? Where do i even start? A couple of episodes ago, there was an hour where NOTHING was explained at all. Would it be to simpletonistic to say that this really wasn't cool? The first episode of the Season? i was teaching a Martial Arts, Qi Kung and Meditation seminar in Erie, and the fam out there and i pilled in the computer room to watch the Season premier... Well, actually we piled in to watch the "Two Hours of Lost" or "Two Hour Season Premier," or however they phrased it. The first hour of Ben's narration was such a let down; and the second where the folks from the boat didn't drop in until the end, made the previews feel like false advertising.
But this... THIS episode! What can i say? Seriously. So i leave you with these points; why i go so far as to say that this episode explained EVERYTHING:
1. The Blackrock:
a). When it was shipwrecked
b). That nothing was every found and that they disappeared utterly
c). That no one found anything but some pirates with the log of the ship
d). That the log - being auctioned - had been UNREAD by ALL but the patron family; named as HANSO.... YES HANSO!!!!!!
e). OBVIOUSLY the fact that Mr. Whitmore was the dude who bought the log in 1996; HENCE the connection to how he could have orchestrated the disappearance of Desmond.

2. The Consciousness Time-Space Travel.
a). Explains EVERYTHING about the island
b). Explains why the island can't be traditionally found
c). Explains everything to the sense that we can easily interpret this in the Bermuda Triangle tradition.

God, i know i'm forgetting something. Bounce some ideas around and i'll remember them...