To my dismay, the seams of Lost's plot are starting to show themselves more and more.
How about the fact that damn near anyone who gets introduced late in the game automatically gets kicked off or you never hear about them again? Who's left from the other side of the island? Bernard, but he and the wife must be off making up for lost time in some remote cave somewhere.

Everyone else has died now, and i'm beyond annoyed with a pointless killing off of Echo. What was the point of all this drawn out "he's dead, no he's alive, no he's dead" bullshit with the hatch blowing, then the Polar Bears and the tripped out Amenita (or whatever), sweatlodge vision of Boon seeming to indicate the Echo was pivotal to getting back Locke's friends? Did the writers forget about all those avenues they had opened up when deciding abruptly to kill dude off?
It's crap. There are all these politics in the show, behind the scenes, where people get kicked off and they almost always are killed off in the plot. Ana Lucia, the psycho, mental ward chick, they got DUI's whilst on set and were written out of the plot.
i at least have to hand it to the writers for writing Walt and Michael out of the plot without the obligatory killing-them-off angle (which is getting a bit ridiculous).
Sorry, but this was hands down the weakest episode i've seen thus far. Of course that's not even to get into the INCREDIBLY bad acting of the new hot chick on the show. Her lines are completely forced and remind me that i'm watching a show; pulling me out of the momentum of an otherwise compelling storyline.
How about the fact that damn near anyone who gets introduced late in the game automatically gets kicked off or you never hear about them again? Who's left from the other side of the island? Bernard, but he and the wife must be off making up for lost time in some remote cave somewhere.

Everyone else has died now, and i'm beyond annoyed with a pointless killing off of Echo. What was the point of all this drawn out "he's dead, no he's alive, no he's dead" bullshit with the hatch blowing, then the Polar Bears and the tripped out Amenita (or whatever), sweatlodge vision of Boon seeming to indicate the Echo was pivotal to getting back Locke's friends? Did the writers forget about all those avenues they had opened up when deciding abruptly to kill dude off?
It's crap. There are all these politics in the show, behind the scenes, where people get kicked off and they almost always are killed off in the plot. Ana Lucia, the psycho, mental ward chick, they got DUI's whilst on set and were written out of the plot.
i at least have to hand it to the writers for writing Walt and Michael out of the plot without the obligatory killing-them-off angle (which is getting a bit ridiculous).
Sorry, but this was hands down the weakest episode i've seen thus far. Of course that's not even to get into the INCREDIBLY bad acting of the new hot chick on the show. Her lines are completely forced and remind me that i'm watching a show; pulling me out of the momentum of an otherwise compelling storyline.
Oh man, I know! Not that I thought the episode was bad in itself. It's just all those things you mentioned about them killing everyone from the back of the plane. Why did they even bring them in in the first place? I think they knew they would have to kill a bunch of people and they didn't wanna do that with the main characters too early, so they figured "we'll just add a bunch of new people and then we can have people die with our main guys still being there".
I feel especially bad about Shannon's and Eko's death, because I feel they were both not ready yet. Shannon deserved to appreciate and enjoy Sa'eed's love, I find, and I still miss her. I think Boone was ready, and I don't care about Ana-Lucia at all. Libby's death was sooooo forced, but I didn't care too much either. Now Eko.. give me a break! Why don't they just kill off Jack or Kate? I personally find them sooooo boring, especially that whole love triangle thing which was designed to make people who wouldn't get the rest of the show watch it anyways. Like "omg, Jack iz SoOoOOo HoTt i hAv 2 wAtCh dIs sHoW~~~~~~~*******".
I gotta admit though, he's a lot less annoying now that he's not in charge of anyone and can't tell ppl what to do. But I could still do without him and Kate. Even Claire and Charlie have become sort of boring, so how did they kill Eko before them?
Those new characters are the WORST. And how could they have THEM around when Eko was dying. Again, they seem to have been put on the show, so that 14-year-olds will enjoy the show more. And also I think their presence indicates more deaths. Either they're gonna kill them eventually or Kate and Jack are really gonna get killed soon, so they're supposed to replace them. That thing really disgusts me though. All this time I thought this show was so genius and stuff, but this seriously made me like the show less. Especially with this break they're gonna take soon.
The episode itself was kinda cool tho, the black smoke appearing again, that vision of the child Eko saw before he was about to die, like when Shannon saw Walt before she died. The whole good people and bad people issue. I could have even accepted Eko's death eventually, but those two new guys, grossness.
The new "hot chick" is from the failed "Related" on the WB. I don't know; she must have some sort of industry in.
Honestly? About Eko? I think he was becoming too strong of a spiritual character, and they were losing the John Locke charisma as a result. That's what I think. I was personally fascinated by the Eko character, and found him far more compelling than anyone else on the show.
I don't know, do you really think it was a result of something as mundane as contract negotiations?
And do you think Walt and Michael are gone for good? Does this mean we'll never get to know the exact nature of Walt's abilities?
I think I'm more annoyed, tho', now by the fact that the show's on hiatus 'til the middle of February. There must be some serious shit goin' down for them to take a nearly three month break! Interesting.
As for the other people who got killed off, I really had a hard time watching the Shannon character, 'cause I just didn't buy her feelings for Sayid. I think they miscast that role. And Boone was just too "extra" to last on the show. I think he'll end up being a better character, now that he's poised to be John's spirit guide.
I don't agree about getting rid of Jack, tho' I am whole-heartedly bored with the love triangle, too. I know everyone loves James/Sawyer, but I'm frankly a little sick of him, too. I just don't see the reason why Kate would fall for him; he's all false bravado, and that's stupid. Isn't the island supposed to bring out the true path for people? If this is so, and if Kate's supposed to be the Eve figure in this little community, then the writers have failed that character in the most miserable way by giving her over to Sawyer.
That's what I think, anyway.
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