How to get on my cool list...
So here is how to get on my cool list in one easy step:
1. Send me free stuff to review:

Yes, imagine my surprise when the above book was in my UPS Store box. Not only did these folks take the initiative to track down an address to send the book to me (probably by going to the Hashlamah or New Dawn sites that had it listed), but they sent me the first free review thingie i've gotten since back in the old hardcore zine days when i got damn near every new release (the best was getting big-ass packages from Victory Records back in their hay-day).
So expect a review here. Already they are on my good side though. Any company that takes that type of initiative is okay in my book.
Anyway, in a barely-related, somewhat amusing story, the UPS store people were all tripped out by "Lost Cult" being on the package. They were like "Is 'Lost Cult' you?"
i had to explain to them that it is my blog about the T.V. show "Lost." However, i went on to tell them a funny story about how back in 97 my wife and i began corresponding through the mail (she actually wrote to be from the aforementioned zine); around the same time as the "Heaven's Gate" cult was getting publicity with their Hale Bop stuff.
So anyway, i sent my wife this big package of stuff BEFORE those dudes all killed themselves. The return address said "Heaven's Gate Cult."
So these guys all kill themselves WHILE the package was in transit. By the time the package arrived in California (where my wife lived), there was all this drama with the postal inspector or someone coming and talking to her mom about whether her daughter was involved in Heaven's Gate.

Okay, that's the kind of thing that's only really funny if you have a messed up sense of humor like me i guess. Anyway, free books. Yeah...
1. Send me free stuff to review:

Yes, imagine my surprise when the above book was in my UPS Store box. Not only did these folks take the initiative to track down an address to send the book to me (probably by going to the Hashlamah or New Dawn sites that had it listed), but they sent me the first free review thingie i've gotten since back in the old hardcore zine days when i got damn near every new release (the best was getting big-ass packages from Victory Records back in their hay-day).
So expect a review here. Already they are on my good side though. Any company that takes that type of initiative is okay in my book.
Anyway, in a barely-related, somewhat amusing story, the UPS store people were all tripped out by "Lost Cult" being on the package. They were like "Is 'Lost Cult' you?"
i had to explain to them that it is my blog about the T.V. show "Lost." However, i went on to tell them a funny story about how back in 97 my wife and i began corresponding through the mail (she actually wrote to be from the aforementioned zine); around the same time as the "Heaven's Gate" cult was getting publicity with their Hale Bop stuff.
So anyway, i sent my wife this big package of stuff BEFORE those dudes all killed themselves. The return address said "Heaven's Gate Cult."
So these guys all kill themselves WHILE the package was in transit. By the time the package arrived in California (where my wife lived), there was all this drama with the postal inspector or someone coming and talking to her mom about whether her daughter was involved in Heaven's Gate.

Okay, that's the kind of thing that's only really funny if you have a messed up sense of humor like me i guess. Anyway, free books. Yeah...
I'm jealous.... of the free book. Can't wait for your review. The Heaven's Gate story is HILARIOUS! Some people just don't have a sense of humor when it comes to death cults, huh?
"Some people just don't have a sense of humor when it comes to death cults, huh?"
TOTALLY! What's up with that? haha
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