Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Any thoughts on crazy image from the Season Finale?

This was, without a doubt, one of the most provocative images of the Finale...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is crazy to say the least.
However, it looks a little plastic, kinda like the fake hatch. If so, the question is what its purpose is.

If it's not fake, i believe it's ancient and that in the past the island was inhabited or at least visited by some tribe that felt great affinity with the island. Maybe they sacrificed stuff and had all sorts of religious practices.. :)

But then, why does it have four toes and how big was the statue in the past? This smells aliens long way! :)


4:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think some kind of Atlantis-like civilization used to inhabit this island. An ancient race of technologically advanced people.

This statue foot seems similar to depictions of the Colossus of Rhodes -- one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. Here's a nice pic that seems to match the foot on the Lost island:


However, the four toes... I have no idea.

10:25 PM  
Blogger MBD said...

Yeah dude... i'm thinking the same crazy Atlantis type shit... But what about the four toes (as you noted)? Additionally, it's not just a slip up; the characters actually pointed it out themselves. Crazy no?

7:27 PM  
Blogger High Power Rocketry said...

What is lost?

And what is that foot?

And who is joobe?

Help me out there m8

7:18 PM  
Blogger MBD said...

Dude. Lost is the only good show.

Okay, some people disagree with that statement, but they are - for the most part - wrong.

Lost is the BEST thing EVER put out on Television. One could say that the only reason - in the Divine scheme of things - that Television was invented was so that one day Lost could be created and aired on it haha.

Seriously, check it out on Bit Torrent, Kaza Lite or something. Season 1 is in your video stores. Season 2 is almost out in stores.

i'm reworking the layout of this blog (it is in transition), whilst Season 3 is being impatiently waited on by Lost-addicts like myself.

Seriously, do yourself a favor and rent season 1 as soon as you can. You will not be disappointed.

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


the statue is egyptian or babylonian..

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not really sure about this. i seen the post and had to comment on it. but, first of all, i loved the fact that there was at one time this huge statue. it put me in the mind of the first wheel of time book, by robert jordan, where the characters come upon the ruins of the huge ancient statues. then again, it made me think of the lord of the rings, and the never ending story. i love they way by just showing, even a part, of an ancient statue or whatnot can make the mind wonder. i would love to stumble across something like that one day. but no, i really don't know what it means, but i did love the fact that it only had 4 toes.

4:13 PM  

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